




英国CCDCの提供しておりますCSD-Materials、新製品であるCSD-Particle、またご要望の多かったCSD Python APIを使った活用例について、以下、オンラインセミナーを開催いたします。

日時 2023年9月26日(火) 15:00 - 17:00
形式 オンライン(Zoom webinar)
主催 化学情報協会
参加費 無料 (事前登録が必要です)
時間 内容
15:00 ~ ご挨拶 (化学情報協会)
15:05 ~ CSD-Materialsを使った医薬品多成分結晶の検討
植草 秀裕 (東京工業大学理学院)

16:00 ~  From crystal structures to particle properties: applying informatics approaches to pharmaceutical development and manufacturing challenges
Andy Maloney (CCDC)

Recent advances in digital design methodologies have enabled industrial scientists to move away from time and resource intensive screening techniques to more rapid in silico methods to inform key decisions throughout the pharmaceutical development and manufacturing process.  With over 1.2 million entries, the information contained in the Cambridge Structural Database (CSD) can provide insight to the link between crystal structure and the properties that govern downstream behaviour. By utilising this wealth of data, informatics-based approaches can be used to visualise and describe key solid state, particle, and surface properties, and how these affect the stability and manufacturability of a solid form. This presentation will explore how early application of informatics approaches can provide useful information for understanding downstream behaviour earlier in the development pipeline. When combined with computational approaches and best data management practices, these methods have the potential to transform the way we think about manufacturing processes.
16:30 ~ Applying structural chemistry knowledge using the CSD Python API, and use cases in an AI/ML context
Isaac Sugden (CCDC)

Today the CSD and the accompanying software are used by scientists worldwide working in over 70 countries, and the knowledge derived from the structural data contained in the CSD has underpinned fundamental chemical discoveries and played a key role in designing new materials from drugs to semiconductors and beyond. This talk will look at some of the research that the CSD has enabled and highlight the knowledge and insights that have been derived from this collection of data. It will explore how the database has evolved over the years and how researchers have used AI and machine learning techniques on this valuable source of data. 2 particular case studies will be presented: focussing on how structure activity relationships within the CSD were used to predict novel semiconductors, and successfully rank the coformers that may form cocrystals with a given API


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化学情報協会 科学データ情報室
